The Vampire Diaries

Episode 6 – “We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes”

written by: Scott Ottersen

Elena can’t sleep, so she does what any vampire would do and warms up some cocoa (or ramen – can’t tell with that huge ass soup cup she’s using) in the kitchen, but has her fun interrupted by Connor.  Only Connor is dead!  So he must be a ghost.  And, what do we do when we see a ghost, we call our resident ghost experiment, Jeremy, to come downstairs and help us.  Only problem here is that Elena decides to take matters into her own hands before he gets there and stabs him (Connor) right in the neck.  The only problem with that problems solution is that Connor really was a ghost and she really just stabbed Jeremy in the neck.  And, this would be when I ask why they even bother to get all upset about Jeremy dying?  Jesus, hasn’t he died like 302 times during this shows run, why get so worked up about him dying and coming back to life in a few hours?  And, don’t give me all that, “he’s going to go crazy if he keeps being brought back to the dead” nonsense.  The dude already talks to ghosts and has a hunter’s mark tattoo on his arm – I’d think he’s plenty crazy already.

And, what’s with all the Dawson’s Creek drama?  Elena doesn’t trust Stefan, so she calls Damon because she trusts him more (signs of a crummy relationship), and yet Stefan doesn’t want to just tell her why he’s being so secretive?  Dude, she’s calling your brother, who is in love with her and who she loved back for a minute there, instead of you, and yet you’ll tell him the secret, but not her?  Just tell her that you’re looking for a cure and leave it at that.  You’ve told this girl every other secret you’ve been sworn to secrecy with before, so what’s so different with this one?  You know Klaus isn’t going to kill Elena (he kind of needs her), so just tell her and square everything up with the girl you love so much.

Klaus joins the party at Tyler’s house just as Caroline shows up to dump his sorry ass!  Only it was a ruse they’re playing up to make Klaus believe they’re not together anymore, so that they can use that to their advantage somehow.  Here is where I bring up the fact that these vampires need to start using their hearing powers more often!  If you can hear conversations going on through walls and whatnot, why wouldn’t you use it all the time?  Hell, they started talking right after he walked out the door, pretty much, so chances are he could have heard them without even using his power!

But, Klaus had more important things to take care of.  He needed to head over to Elena’s, because he knows what she is going through.  He knows all about the hallucinations she’s having, and that the hunters were spelled by witches, and when they died, the hunters would remain haunting their killer in hopes to get their killer to kill themselves as their last vampire kill.  Stefan doesn’t want to hand over Elena to Klaus, but too bad, he runs off with her anyway.  Don’t bother chasing after her, though, Stefan, just stand there like a doofus.  You know, you have superior speed, as well, the least you could have done is chase him to the end of the block or something.  He has to leave some sort of trail.  You have that super hearing and super smell powers, how about you use them?!?

Oh, and guess what, Bonnie is useless.

Klaus is going to keep Elena in some dungeon-esque room with no windows, all because for 52 years (and change) he was tormented by the hunters after he killed them.  Besides just telling her that, he tells her she needs to quit acting like Joey Potter, and stop being mad at Stefan, because all he was doing was looking out for her.  He kept saying they needed to keep Connor alive, and what do you know, he was right, because now you’re going to be tormented for the rest of your life because you killed him!  Women. 

Katherine is back!!  I have to say that I’ve always liked the portrayal of Katherine more than I do the portrayal of Elena.  Elena is such a wimpy brat, while Katherine is a vixen.  Nina Dobrev does a much better job in the vixen role than the goody-goody one.  “What does Stefan think of the new you?”  He hates her, Katherine.  The new Elena likes to dirty disco with Damon more than she likes to sexy samba with Stefan.  What boyfriend would want that?

Can we kill off this April girl already?  Great, she remembers Professor Shane because her dad gave a lecture at the college he teaches at.  Awesome.  Maybe you should sit down after all that hard work you did remembering that.

Damon meets with Professor Shane, who tells him and Bonnie that the person who kills a hunter is cursed until a new hunter comes about.  How convenient that we all happen to know another hunter.  Here, Klaus was thinking it would take centuries to find another hunter and a new one is right there in Mystic Falls, the very brother of the person they need the cure for.  Did I mention how convenient that all was?

Come on Caroline, show a little more cleavage to Klaus.  He’s not going to give up Elena’s whereabouts that easily. 

All while she’s playing hooker with Klaus, Stefan gets into the room Elena is being held captive in, but all Elena sees is Connor, so she stabs Stefan and runs off into the wild.

“Give me a stake, I’ll kill Damon right now.”  Good one, Jeremy.  You got jokes now.  Maybe if they give Jeremy these kinds of lines more often, I may start to like him a little more.  I doubt it, but it’s worth a shot.  I do think the show could use another comedic aspect in it, outside of Damon’s one-liners, like the follow up to Jeremy, “Easy, Van Helsing.” 

Well, Caroline, if you’re not willing to show off some ta-ta’s, I guess you might as well tell Klaus the truth.  I mean, your plan didn’t work out the way you had hoped (really, I’m not so sure what they were hoping would happen – Klaus would have found Elena again, not like they were going to hide her anywhere he wouldn’t know about), so why not try the honest approach.

Elena ends up walking to the bridge where she almost lost her life twice (well, she did the second time, technically) and gets a visit from her mom, who convinces her to kill herself by throwing her day-walker ring into the river and wait for the sun to rise.  But, with the emergence of Jeremy, and Stefan stabbing Chris so that Jeremy could cut off his head and get his first vampire kill, Elena is free from the curse.  Just in time, too, because the sun is about to come up.  Yet another convenient moment.  And, to make things even more convenient, Damon is there to grab Elena and take her underwater, so that the sun wouldn’t kill vaporize her out of existence.

And, I guess the ring was easy to find, because she wakes up with it on her finger, and Damon at her bedside.  He tells her that Stefan is lying to her because he is trying to find a cure for her, and that she should cut him some slack.  I mean, he’s only trying to give you the life you want, but for most women that’s not enough.

“Chris was my friend, Caroline.”  Sure he was, Tyler.  Throw a few more bottles against the wall, I don’t think we quite believed you this time around.  However, I have a feeling that bottle throwing had more to do with the fact that Caroline “…agreed to go on a date with (Klaus).”  I’m looking forward to that date.  Cleavage city!!  Maybe he’ll draw her another picture of a horse, or a unicorn this time.

Well, it appears that Matt wants to find his way into the inner circle of friends in Mystic Falls, so he did some digging and somehow obtained the phone records of the deceased Pastor, finding that once a day he called the same number, and then on the day of the fire, he called that same number 10 times.  That number was the home of the phone in Atticus Shane’s office.  I’m thinking that if you’re some crazed lunatic cult leader, you’re not exactly going to use your cell phone to call your contact at his work number.  I’m guessing you’d have some throwaway cell phones you’d use so that the police wouldn’t ever figure something like this out.  Covering your tracks would seem like it was something important in this matter.  But, I guess they needed to leave something for poor Matt to do, rather than him just be the useful neck for Elena to feed on!

“Sorry that I stabbed you.”  You should be sorry for a lot more than that, Elena.  Stefan is a bit upset that Elena trusts Damon more than she does him.  And, even though Elena wants the cure, and is on board with Stefan’s plan now, it’s not enough for either of them.  Elena admits to having her feelings for Damon magnified after becoming a vampire, and I guess her love for Stefan didn’t magnify at all.  And, Stefan says he can’t do this anymore.  He’s calling it quits.  He doesn’t want to get in the way of the love fest that is soon going to be Joey and Pacey, wait, I mean, Elena and Damon.

So, that’s it.  No more Stefan and Elena.  How does everyone feel about that?  Personally, I don’t care.  I think I’m going to like the angry Stefan more than the lame Stefan he is when he’s with Elena.  Same with Elena.  She’s going to become more dangerous (Katherine-like) with Damon, and I think it’s going to add a new wrinkle to the series that it needs.

MVP of the Episode

Damon Salvatore.  He’s finally getting the girl.  Now, let’s see what he does when he finally gets what he wants.  A lot of the time, people never expect to get what they want, so when they do get it, they don’t know what exactly to do with it.  Will he screw it up?  Will he not take her to spare his brother’s feelings?  This is definitely going to be interesting.





Line of the Night

“What you want?  Or, who you want?” – Stefan Salvatore

To Elena.  Perfectly said.  Dump the bitch, Stefan.  Go get with Hayley, she’s a better match for you, anyway. 

tvonthedaily episode rating


I wasn’t really a fan of this episode up until the very end.  I didn’t see the Stefan-Elena split coming so soon in the season.  I won’t say I wasn’t ever expecting it to happen, because it seems as if this show is being built off of the Dawson’s Creek model (the same guy created both shows, so you’d have to think…), but I didn’t think it would only take 6 episodes to make it happen.  I thought, if ever, it would happen before they take their usual “Winter Break” where we have to wait 2 months for new episodes to start again.  But, I’m always wrong.

Nielsen Ratings

You know the drill at this point, check back in the afternoon for updates.

**Ratings are in, and they’re down again.  They’re down a considerable amount, too.  In total viewers, down to 2.8 Million, and in 18-49 rating, down all the way to 1.2 (from 1.5).  No bueno.  I guess people are giving up on the show.  Perhaps some people feel as if the show is jumping the shark a bit?!?


Episode 5 – “The Killer”

Air Date: November 8th, 2012

written by: Scott Ottersen

We pick up where we left off last week, with Connor talking to the Professor, all pissy about the Professor not telling him about the vampire werewolf hybrid’s hanging out in Mystic Falls, seeing as how they’re a tad bit harder to kill than your normal, every day vampire.  Connor still doesn’t know why the Professor sent him to Mystic Falls, which truly shows how much of an idiot Connor really is.  Let’s see, buddy boy, you need to kill vampires to get that tattoo drawn out on your body, and from your few days in Mystic Falls, you’ve already come across about fifteen vampires, so did you maybe want to think that question out before you ask it.  Oh, and leave Bonnie alone.  Well, I don’t care if you leave her alone or not, I’d actually prefer that you kill the bitch, but the Professor wants her alive, so you probably want to do as he pleases.

Oh no, no, don’t talk about vampires with Jeremy, just kill the stupid bastard already.  Can somebody PLEASE kill Jeremy.  For a kid who doesn’t have any supernatural powers, he sure is hard to kill.  Maybe I can get written into the show as an extra, who has one line, and one scene, and that line is “Finally,” and I say it after I tear off Jeremy’s head, wearing the ring or not, I don’t give a shit, I’m running off with it so the fucker can’t live anyway.  If his body is still stubling around, that’s fine, at least I won’t have to see his face on the screen anymore.  I don’t know what it is that rubs me so wrong about him, but I just don’t like his character.

Finally back to the diaries, I see.  Isn’t that what the show was all about back in the beginning?  Stefan and Elena writing in their diaries about their trials and tribulations with each other, and voiceover-ing them to us?  Stefan rambles on and on about the cure and how he wants it for Elena.  And, Elena talks about how she wants to kill herself, but she doesn’t want to leave Jeremy alone.  Isn’t your journal entries supposed to be about your love for Stefan, and here you are crying about not wanting to kill yourself because of Jeremy?  See what I mean about Jeremy – he ruins everything.

What, the Mystic Grill doesn’t have any locks on it?  And, why would April just barge into the Grill to ask Matt where Rebecca is?  Hasn’t she ever heard of a damn cell phone?  She can’t just text him and ask him this?  This bitch deserves to die in the crosshairs of Connor’s plan to lure the vampire friends of Jeremy to the Grill to kill them.  Speaking of cell phones, who puts their friends last names in their contact information?  See, just another reason to kill off Jeremy.  You really have to put Damon Salvatore and Tyler Lockwood in your phone?  How about just Damon, or even Damon S?  Loser.

And, you’re telling me that they’re worried that the group of them can’t take out Connor, who I may have to remind you has NO supernatural powers.  Easy plan for you: go in through the windows or just crash through the ceiling.  He can’t booby trap the windows and ceiling.  And, if you think he has, just throw some rocks through the windows to set off whatever trap he has set.  Or, use your super speed to bypass whatever human trap he has set.  You guys are truly acting as if this guy is more powerful than you are, and I’m a little annoyed by it. Killing him should be a whole heck of a lot easier than you’re making it out to be.

“You practice witchcraft, but you don’t believe in hypnotism?”  Hypnotize her and kill her off, please.  Have sex with her before you kill her, I don’t care, but can we end this Bonnie charade already?  Her and Jeremy need to run off to Colorado together and just live there.  Introduce a better witch/warlock for the fifth season.  We can do better than Bonnie.  Or, just make Bonnie a super bad ass, who just starts killing people, and moves to the dark side.  I’m sick of the wishy washy ways of Bonnie.

“Those two idiots, they’re like danger magnets.”  Good to have Damon’s sense of humor.  It’s always a refreshing addition to each episode.  Of course Matt and Jeremy being stuck in the Grill with Connor will cause an issue between Damon and Elena’s plan, because Damon wants Connor dead at any cost, but Elena won’t be on board with that cost being the lives of her friend and brother.  So, Elena wants to go in with Damon to be the hero who saves her brother, but Damon won’t let her.  So, she proves herself as a worthy fighter by taking Damon down and disarming him.  I remember back in season 1 all that heavy talk about how the older the vampire, the stronger they are and that younger vampires are no match for them.  Where has that idea gone?  With how easy Elena and Caroline have made it seem to transition into being worthy adversaries of older vampires, I would have thought it easier for Damon and Stefan to kill Klaus…you know, back when they wanted him dead.

Caroline and Hayley meet.  Typical girl drama between the two of them.  Caroline doesn’t even know what her deal is, yet she’s all pissy about her being there.  For all she knows, Hayley could be related to Tyler, but does she even bother to ask any question like that?  Nope, she just goes into full-on, oh shit the condom just broke freak out mode.  Before they start pulling each others hair, some hybrid idiot named Dean and Tyler exchange words about how Dean doesn’t need to listen to Klaus and can do what he wants.  Tyler tries to prove he’s got huge nuts by calling Klaus (who found the sword, by the way) and telling him Dean’s not going into the Grill on his own, but gets castrated by Klaus when Klaus mentions Hayley’s name.  And, it appears Caroline used her hearing prowess to listen in on the conversation.  Oy vey.

“We’re closed.”  Good one, Connor.  April thinks there is something familiar about Connor and I’m sure we’ll be learning all about her and her past run-ins with Connor or the likes of him in future episodes.  But, for now, let Matt bang out those bricks with a hammer and screwdriver.  That will work.

The front door?  Really, Dean?  That was your grand plan after Klaus told you all about how he likes to set booby traps?  You deserve to have a crapload of nails jammed into your face and body, and then have your entire chest blown to pieces by the only weapon I’d ever use if I were Connor.  Holy crap, just blew his entire chest out! 

As Stefan closes in on Connor, Jeremy steps on the booby trap rug.  For a heartbeat I got excited and then I remembered that there is no way I’m having any of my wishes in life come true at this point in time, so I drop that excitement.  Damon wakes up and realizes that Stefan stole his ring in order to keep him from coming and killing Connor.  But, that’s not going to stop Elena, now is it?!?  She’s one dangerous vampire bitch.  Yet, she’s still stupid.  She has a stranglehold on Connor’s neck, but she’s worried about poor old, stupid Jeremy being blown to bits, so he gets the one-up on her and she has to have Stefan save her once again! 

And, to make matters even worse, Jeremy gets shot.  But gets to live because his sister is now a vampire and can heal his wounds.  Now, I just have to hope he doesn’t die in the next few minutes and become a damn vampire.  That’s all I need.

Stefan runs off with Connor, to keep him alive, but runs into Damon, who literally swam through shit to catch up to his baby brother and Connor.  Stefan lets Connor go so that Damon can’t kill him, so instead Damon decides he might as well kill his baby brother by ripping his heart out!  So, in order to save his life, Stefan tells Damon about the cure.  Now, we’re all going to have to worry for Damon and Stefan’s safety, because Klaus is NOT going to be happy that Damon knows about the cure.

But, what he’s REALLY not going to be happy about is the fact that Elena killed Connor.  He tried stabbing her in the heart, but didn’t catch it, and so she snaps his neck.  Just like that.  And, now everything is about to change.  Elena just killed someone and we’re all going to bare witness to the death of Elena’s humanity.  I’m actually quite sad that Connor was killed.  I thought he was a great villain character for the season, and I truly thought he was going to be the nemesis throughout this seasons run.  But, I guess the showrunners have grander ideas for this season than just a vampire hunter on the loose.  Or, perhaps another will come to town.  We’ll have to wait and see, won’t we?

The Professor knows that Bonnie is just a scared little pussy, who is just afraid of some stupid witch spirits, and that’s why she’s not performing magic.  He tries to get her to light one candle on his desk,  but instead she lights up the entire room, which just so happened to be loaded with candles everywhere.  Anyone have a screenshot of what his office looked like before she lit up those candles?  Did they just appear out of nowhere?  And, what’s up with the trick birthday candle that Bonnie didn’t light?  See, I knew she wasn’t as powerful as everyone keeps talking about.  She can’t even light the candle right in front of her face.

And, Elena begins her meltdown.  The least you could have done was wipe your chin.  Right?  That is almost the immediate reaction anybody has to when blood is on their face.  But, here we are, probably a good 30 minutes or so after she killed him (it had to take some time for her to get the shovel, right) and she still has the blood on her chin?  I would think vampires would carry around a washcloth with them to clean up.

So, Caroline and Tyler have to have their fight about Hayley.  It gets settled when Tyler tells Caroline that they were never into each other, they just want Klaus to believe that so that he doesn’t know the real reason behind their friendship.  What Caroline doesn’t know is that breaking the sire bond is a bitch and a half to do.  Werewolves sometimes can die in the process.  Hayley saved his life, and now they are trying to help others break their bonds to Klaus, as well, to free them up.  They’re afraid that if Klaus ever found out, he’d kill them all.  Safe to say, that’s probably true.  Or, at the very least, he’d kill you, Tyler.

Nice matching shirts, Matt and Jeremy.  I bet that hoodie Jeremy wore was someone on the film crew, and they made him take it off and give it to Jeremy after they shot the scene of those two morons walking down the street wearing the same blue Mystic Grill shirt!! 

And, ugh, now Jeremy has the tattoos on his hand!  Great.  Although, I guess if he started slaying vampires, I might like his character a little more.  It’s not like he would have to kill EVERY vampire in the world to get the entire tattoo on him.  Connor looked like he was more than halway there and he only killed a few vampires.  So, just kill 10 or 15 vampires you don’t know, Jeremy, get the map, find the cure, give it to Elena, and then just fricken die already!!

The show ends with Elena tripping out in the bathroom, seeing blood everywhere that isn’t there.  From the scenes for next week, I’m not interested in her wigging out just because she killed a hunter.  Let’s hope that’s just a one episode thing and we can move on…

MVP of the Episode

Connor.  Just as a way to say goodbye.  I don’t think he was overly excellent in this episode, but since he had to die for the cause he believed in, I’ll give it to him.  And, it wasn’t until I saw this picture that I remembered where I knew him from: The Chicago Code.  Such a great show and I can’t believe it got canceled after only one season.  Shame on the execs at Fox for cutting short that tremendous show.  Anyway, you will be missed, Connor.  You should have just killed Jeremy when you had the chance.

Line of the Night

“You missed.” – Elena

We knew she wasn’t going to die, but we didn’t know she was going to kill Connor.  But, after she delivered the ‘you missed’ line, it only seemed inevitable that he was going to die at her hands…and he did!  With an easy snap of the neck, so went Connor and the season 4 villain vampire hunter.

tvonthedaily episode rating


Just a so-so episode for me.  It did have a bunch of action, which I do enjoy, but not the good type of action.  Kind of lame.  I thought this episode was filled with stupidity and unrealistic outcomes.  I think storming the Mystic Grill would have been the easiest thing for a group of four vampires and two hybrids, all to kill just one MAN.  Plus, I don’t think killing Connor was the right move for the show, so I had to bump down the grade for that, as well.  Every show is allowed a so-so episode here and there.

Nielsen Ratings

Ratings are released after 11am est, so check back after then for an update.

**Ratings are in, and they’re down.  Down to 2.98 Million viewers and also down in 18-49 share.  Still, great ratings for a CW show, but not the direction you’d want to see a show taking this far into the season.  You’d hope for staying around the same number, or growing slightly. 





Episode 4 – “The Five”

Air Date: November 1, 2012

written by: Scott Ottersen

You know a show is getting good when the title of an episode gets you geeked up to watch it!  As the weeks move along, and you watch as much television as I do, you begin to forget about shows and what happened the week before.  But, seeing the title “The Five” for this weeks’ episode, I got excited at the thought of finding out more about Connor and The Five that Klaus mentioned in last weeks episode.  I think that this season has got off to the best start of any season of The Vampire Diaries, and with this installment, it is only going to get better, I can assume.

We begin the night back in 1110 A.D., where five men with swords are all standing around a witch, who is chanting something about immortality or something.  She’s mumbling worse than Bonnie does, so immortality is the only word I can seem to gather from her mumblings.  And, after she crushes the cauldron down onto the earth’s ground, the men receive their tattoos and their swords do something funky, as well, seeming to enlighten the men and grant them some sort of powers.  I was half expecting to see Connor, with long hair, but I guess he wasn’t part of the Original Five.  Interesting.  So, apparently, their powers can be passed down at some point, somehow.

Back at Salvatore manor, Damon is going through Connor’s possessions trying to find anything he can that mentions ‘the five’ that Klaus mentioned before the hospital room blew to bits and pieces.  Stefan seems intrigued by the mention of these five boys, but his moment is shrieked to a halt by the ring of a cellular phone.  It’s the Sheriff, telling Damon that there were no remains found at the scene of the explosion, meaning that Connor and Klaus were both still alive.  But, that was going to be Stefan’s problem, because for tonight, Damon has a date with Elena and Bonnie, heading off to Whitmore College to teach Elena how to feed properly.  Oh, and Damon and Stefan make up once again.  Boys will be boys.  But, brothers will always be brothers.

Rebecca is truly a desperate soul.  And, if I’m Matt, I take advantage of that desparation and at least make some sweet vampire love to the girl.  It’s not like she’s ugly, Matt, and the only action you seem to be getting right now is having your neck eaten by the girl you used to bang back in freshman year.  She makes her move by trying to replace the truck Matt lost when, you know, she attempted to kill him and Elena.  He doesn’t go for it (although, later we find out he’s going to keep the truck – smart man), but who is sitting behind him than none other than Klaus, her loving brother who denounced her just a week ago.  Klaus tells Rebecca that The Brotherhood of The Five still exists, and he is hoping that this information will get her to come back to him, and forgive him for breaking her neck.  She doesn’t go for it, though.  She wants no part of Klaus anymore.

“What is this guy, Witchipedia?”  I’m sure the boys over at loved that moment.  I am almost guaranteeing they are seeing record number of hits on their site tonight.  Hell, I even clicked on it to get a look at what it was all about.  Anyway, Elena, Damon, and Bonnie all walk in on a class of the Professor who has taken the place of Bonnie’s grams (seriously, didn’t she die back in season 1, how is she just now being replaced at her college?).  He seems to know an awful lot about witchcraft.  I’m sure it won’t be long before we realize he has a lot to do with the events taking place in Mystic Falls.

Klaus has Connor tied up against some wooden board and I’d like to take the time out to make a gesture of thought out to all the people who are eventually going to tie somebody up to keep them at bay.  Do more than just chain them to a stupid pole, ok?  Tie up their arms, their wrists, their neck, their body, each of their legs, their ankles, and even their feet.  Why take the risk of them getting out of the ONE lock you have on them and getting away?  Especially, when that person is as valuable to you as Connor is to Klaus.  Klaus tells Stefan that he is part of The Five, who have been around since the 12th century, and are highly skilled Vampire Hunters.  He divulges that Rebecca is the key to unlocking their mysteries, because she fell in love with one of the original hunters, and knows all of their secrets.  And, Klaus needs Stefan to get Rebecca back in Klaus’ good graces, so she will tell him what he needs to know.

Seeing as how Stefan is so intrigued by all of this, he meets up with Rebecca and tells her that he needs her to, at least, fake making up with Klaus in order to help out Stefan, seeing as how Rebecca kind of owes him one with killing Elena and all.  In exchange, Stefan will arrange a clean slate for Rebecca with Matt.  Here’s an idea, Rebecca, why don’t you just compel the son of a bitch to forget about what you did to him and Rebecca, make sweet love to him, and run off with him to Texas and live a fine life, just the two of you.  It seems easy enough, right? I don’t think you need Stefan to try and work out a clean slate for you with him, because you know what he’s going to do – yes, he’s going to compel him!  While you’re at it, teach me how to do that, because I would love to be able to compel people.  I swear, outside of being immortal and almost unkillable, the compelling has to be the coolest perk of being a vampire.  To get whatever you want in life?  Sign me up. 

That certainly was easy.  Rebecca shows up for dinner with Klaus and Stefan, where Klaus runs over the history of his family and The Five.  It sure seems as if Klaus knows everything he needs to know about these five hunters, so I’m not so sure where Rebecca comes in just yet.  He gives us the story of Alexander, who wants to destroy all vampires with his ultimate weapon.  The thing about the ultimate weapon is that the only way to know where it’s hidden is to be able to see the tattoos on their bodies.  Trouble with that is that Klaus and nobody else can see the tattoos.  But, good ol’ Jeremy can!  Klaus brings him into the room, takes his ring off of his finger, basically threatening death if he doesn’t obey.  He wants Jeremy to draw the tattoos for him, so he can have the map to the weapon.  Please, Jeremy, don’t do it.  That way, Klaus will just kill you and I won’t have to see you ever again.  Please, I beg of you…

Seriously, who invites their Professor’s to their fraternity parties?  I’m not so sure I buy Bonnie just running into Professor Shane at the party like that, and immediately running off to go back to his office with him.  It’s almost like the rufie guy slipped something in Bonnie’s drink (that she never had) and she thought the Professor did it and instantly wanted the bone.  So, for payback on Bonnie being date-raped into running off with the Professor, Elena feeds on Rufie Guy and loves the feeling she gets from it.  I have a feeling we’re in for a good feeding session tonight!!  Maybe get some blood sharing going on, too, while we’re at it!!  Start the Salvatore feud all over again!!

Jeremy apparently wants to live, because next time we see him, he’s drawing Connor’s tattoo.  Shit.  While Jeremy draws the tattoo, Connor has no problem giving up his life story to a kid who just betrayed him and handed him over to the very people he was trying to kill.  He tells Jeremy that he once met a man with “The Mark” while serving in the military, lost touch with that friend, and one day the mark just showed up on his hand, and every time he killed a vampire after that, the tattoo spread.  I guess, unlike Jeremy, he heard the stories the man with “The Mark” told him and was intrigued by them, so he decided to become a vampire killer when the mark showed up on his hand.  Me, I probably would have just let it go and hoped it went away one day after a good, hot shower.

Tired of the present, we delve deeper into the 12th century story, where we learn that Alexander knew all along that Rebecca and her family were vampires, so they killed them while they slept (well, not Rebecca, he killed her BEFORE he banged her – he’s definitely homosexual)…or so they thought.  Too bad the daggers didn’t work on Klaus and his family because the werewolf inside them, so Klaus took out his revenge and killed all five of the hunters at once.  Not much of vampire hunters, I’d say, if Klaus handled them that easily.  But, that’s why I love Klaus so much.  Such a bad ass.

Hop back to the present, and Rebecca tells Stefan that the ultimate weapon they were going to use to rid the world of vampires is a cure!  Dun, dun, dun.  Let the drama begin.  Rebecca knows that Klaus wants the cure so he can use it on Elena, so he can then store her blood once again to build his hybrid family since he hates his own family.  And, we learn that the sword is in fact the key to finding the cure, so Stefan needs Rebecca to tell him where he can find it, because he too wants the cure for Elena, so she doesn’t have to live the rotten life of a vampire.

Elena and Damon continue to feed on unsuspecting youth at the frat party.  Having the time of their lives, they decide to bump and grind to “Feel So Close” and for a quick second there, I truly believed there was going to be more than just some blood sharing, but possibly some saliva sharing through tongues!  But, ever the downer, Bonnie shows up and one look at her and Elena snaps back into her depressive state and runs off, apparently disgusted with herself.  Bonnie has that effect on all of us, Elena, don’t worry.  Her and Jeremy are perfect for each other in the sense that they both need to just die already, and be gone from this show.

Klaus sees the tattoo that Jeremy draws and isn’t too pleased, knowing that there is more to the tattoo then what Jeremy has drawn.  Jeremy tells him that he needs to kill more vampires to make the tattoo spread, and we all know where this is leading.  I’m quite sure Klaus will be lining up the vampires for Connor to kill over the next few episodes, so that he can get his tattoo map, and then vampire cure.  Oh, and didn’t I tell you that you needed to wrap up your prisoner a little better.  All you need is for him to bite the earring off of your hybrid guard and out of his cuffs he goes.  Dummies.

“She is a different person.  She’s a vampire.”  You tell her, Damon.  It’s too late for Bonnie, though.  She lost all common sense she ever had the day she realized she was a witch.  You’d think she would know all about becoming a new person once you realize you have supernatural powers, seeing as how she went through the transformation just a few years ago when she went from regular high school girl to boring, supposedly super-witch.  I think that Damon also makes a great point about how he knows how to control himself while he’s feeding on humans, without killing them in the end, unlike how his brother knows not of this self-control, and ends up ripping the heads off!!  Perhaps, Elena should be learning how to be a vampire from Damon, and not Stefan!!  Hmm…

Being done with that drama, we head back to the other drama going on, where Stefan tells Rebecca that he wants the cure for Elena so she doesn’t have to kill a person and then shut off her humanity switch because she wouldn’t know how to deal with the fact that she just killed another human being.  I would think she’d shut off that switch after having fed on the necks of a few humans, but what do I know?  I guess it’s easy to eat people’s skin and drink their blood, but taking it a step further and draining them of all their blood is just too much to handle.  But, even with his reasoning to Rebecca, she tells him she can’t help him because she doesn’t want Klaus to get what he wants, in the end.  But, what she doesn’t know is that she’s an idiot and she helps him, anyway, by telling him where she buried Alexander.  They know that she would bury his sorry ass with his sword, and that’s all they are looking for!  Geez, you would think she’d be a little bit brighter than that being alive for 1,000 years or so, but I guess she never really read over those 1,000 years, and instead just decided to laze around and not grow her mind.  For her troubles, she gets a white oak dagger to the heart from her loving brother, Klaus.

“Some secrets are stronger than family.”  Indeed.

Elena tells Damon that she doesn’t want to be anything like him.  Poor bastard just can’t catch a break when it comes to this girl, can he?  Perhaps he should just move on out of Mystic Falls and bang sorority chicks at Arizona State and UCLA.  The picture on the left is of the ASU cheerleading squad, who throw lingerie parties every now and again.  I’m quite sure he’d forget about Elena after a party or two with these girls.  If Elena wants to be like Stefan, let her.  Go turn one of these girls and live in eternal bliss with her.

Well, anybody could have told you that Professor Shane was going to have SOMETHING to do with the events taking place in Mystic Falls, and anybody would have been right!  The episode ends with Connor walking into his office and asking him why he sent him there?  Yes, Professor, why did you send him there?  Who is it that you are after?  My guess is Elena, since everyone in the world seems to know about her, and you mentioned doppelganger’s in your lecture, so I’m going out on a limb and saying it’s all about Elena.  The very second she turned into a vampire, these events took into motion.

Damn!  Another great episode.  I really am loving this season.  A few more seasons like this, and I’m going to have a tough time not making this one of my favorite shows of all time!!  And, seeing as how the creator of Dawson’s Creek runs this show, that’s saying something!!

MVP of the Episode

My main man, Klaus.  This was actually a tough one to award.  There were several in the running for this award, but when in doubt, go with your main man!  In the end, he got what he wanted, so it was a great episode for him.  He’s off to collect his sword (I’m guessing it won’t be THAT easy & we’ll probably be seeing Rebecca again) and his cure.  But, he lost his prisoner and his tattoo map, so he’s in for quite a surprise when he returns home.  But, he needed him to be free, killing vampires, anyway, so no skin off his bones.

Line of the Night

“I want more.” – Elena Gilbert

If you want more, go get you some more, girl!!  You’re not really hurting anybody.  Rave out, take some rufies, grind with your boyfriends brother (totally normal), suck a few necks of hot chicks, and forget all about your pansy boyfriend at home drinking deer semen.

tvonthedaily episode rating


For this show, it was a perfect episode.  It mixed just the right ingredient to earn my first A+ of the website!  It introduced new characters (quite perfectly, too), built on storylines of new characters, as well as returning characters (Connor, Klaus, and Rebecca), dealt with more love triangles (Damon-Elena-Stefan), had some action mixed in (Connor ripping dude’s head off & Elena/Damon feeding on some college kids), and gave us a great “twist” ending that always makes a great episode a great episode.

Nielsen Ratings

Ratings are released after 11am est, so check back after then for an update.

**Ratings are in, and the ratings reflect just how great of an episode it was.  It was up in total viewers to 3.17 Million, which is the highest since the premiere episode.  It was also up in 18-49 viewers (1.5) and also in the 18-34 categories (especially the 18-34 women).  Even without the high numbers, I still would expect this show to continue on and be renewed, but these types of ratings only solidify that standing. 






Episode 3 – “The Rager”

Air Date: October 25th, 2012

written by: Scott Ottersen

I laughed at this title, because I know a set of brothers with the last name Rager and it reminded me of them and how they can get a little hotheaded at times, ergo pulling “The Rager.”  Good times.  I digress.

We start off the episode in the hospital, where Tyler is laying down in a bed, probably just to make it seem as if he’s recovering from being shot.  He has a deputy guarding his door, but he hears a not-even-loud crashing noise coming from down the hallway and goes to check it out.  I’ve  been in hospitals quite a few times, and you hear noises like that all the time, so I’m not so sure why he even bothered.  Plus, you’re sole duty is to protect the person whose door you are standing by.  It’s a fricken hospital, you aren’t alone, someone else heard that noise, let them check it out.  If they need you, they’ll call for you.  You know what, just pack your shit and get out, you’re fired.  Anyway, as it turns out, I’m the asshole here, and I was wrong, because NOBODY else is in this hospital to witness Connor (the Vampire Hunter) subdue this police officer to the ground (I don’t think he killed him, but who knows).  Tyler hears this all happen with his super ear strength, tries to hide and surprise the hunter, but the hunter apparently is stronger than a hybrid and holds Tyler at bay long enough to stab him with his syringe and then extract werewolf venom from his teeth.  Good shit.

And, with that blue juice he got from Tyler’s mouth, he spent the afternoon cooking up a special something and keeping up on his reading about the Gilbert family.  Oh please God let one of those documents in Jeremy’s file read, “Please kill this asshole kid.”  That would be great.  Thanks.

Damon, ever the drama queen, tells Stefan that he is planning on killing the vampire hunter, and then ditching Mystic Falls for good.  He didn’t win Elena’s heart, so he might as well call it quits.  We’ve heard this story before, Damon.  Either stay or go, don’t keep being all wishy-washy.  Also, this picture is for my wife.  You are welcome.

Matt is now Elena’s bitch, letting her feed on him so that she can stave off the hunger/desire to kill innocent people around town.  And, why not do it where you two used to make out!  Geez, does anyone even remember the days when these two dated?  That seems like so long ago and that the show isn’t anywhere near the same as it was then.  Each season has gotten better, in my honest opinion, so I tend to forget each season as the next one has been better than the last.

Oh yes, hello Klaus!  I am glad that he is sticking around, because he truly is my favorite character on the show.  I was worried after last season that he wouldn’t be back, but they’ve kept on giving him reasons to stick around this season, so I’m glad to see that.  This time, he’s back in town to protect Tyler from getting himself killed.  Since Klaus can’t produce new hybrids, he’d hate to lose the ones he’s already created.  Personally, I wouldn’t mind if Tyler died, but he is starting to grow on me more and more, so I’ll allow him to stay.

Hell yes, cat fight!  Instead of throwing pencils at each other, perhaps you can roll around in some jello and tear each others clothes off!  Just a suggestion, CW.  Sex sells these days, and those two rolling around, getting all wet and naked wouldn’t hurt.  Not that you’re hurting for ratings, but it’s not like you won’t take more any way you can get them.

Shit, I guess this means Jeremy is sticking around for good!  He meets with Connor, who wants to talk to him about the fact that he can see his “hunter’s mark,” his invisible tattoo.  Connor tells Jeremy that the only people that can see that tattoo are vampire hunters or possible vampire hunters.  Nice stretch there.  Jeremy as a vampire hunter?  More like vampire food, please.  Someone please snack on this jerkwad already.  Can’t we send him back to Seattle this season?  Were people truly THAT upset when he wasn’t on the show that they had to bring him back?

Why hello, Hayley!  Nice legs.  Apparently, she’s back in Tyler’s life even though we’ve never met before (well, we met on The Secret Circle, but that show got lame and canceled, but I guess the CW loved you).  I guess she met him while he was backpacking in Hostel territory, and helped him break his sire bond.  If I’m Tyler, I call Caroline on the phone immediately and tell her “It’s not you, it’s Hayley.”  Welcome back, sweetheart.

Rebecca thinks that Matt will be over her attempt to murder him, and he handles it like anybody else would in that scenario and just calmly walks away from her.  I guess knowing the fact that she could kill you in a heartbeat kind of dictates how you react, but still.  As he’s fleeing the scene like the pansy that he is, Connor is waiting for him down the hallway.  He sees the vampire marks on his arm that Elena left, forces him to tell him who the vampire is in his school and so he gives him Rebecca’s name.  Slick move, Matt.  Rebecca vs. Connor sounds like a fun matchup.  Looking forward to it.

“A little bad, mostly repulsive.”  Klaus meets Hayley, likes what he sees (as he should), and recognizes that Tyler has a woodie for her, seeing as how he’s dismissing hanging out with Caroline because he’s got this hottie in his den, awaiting his return.

April and Elena have a quick chat at Rebecca’s house party, where April tells Elena that she knows it wasn’t an accident that her father died.  She remembers that he could smell smoke on her clothes before she even walked in the house, so she knows he would have smelled the gas inside the farm.  And, then the church incident with Tyler getting shot.  Coincidences like that don’t exist, so something has to be going on that her father was involved in.

After April leaves the room, Rebecca takes Elena’s ring and tosses it down the garbage disposal.  Elena cowers in the corner for a few minutes and then realizes that she could rip the sink straight out of the countertop if she truly wanted, gets the ring back and grabs the white oak stake that Damon gave to her, and heads off to go kill the bitch!  I’m guessing there were no pencils around.  Stefan’s timing is impeccable as he just so happens to be walking into the kitchen as this is about to happen, and talks her off the ledge by telling her that killing the slut would feel good for a little while, but then she’ll realize that along with her, thousands of other vampires would die, as well.  Oh, Stefan, you’re so righteous.

“Tyler’s otherwise occupied making big decisions about honesty and whatnot.”  How is Klaus not the star of this show now?  I just feel as if his comic remedy to the seriousness that is the threesome love affair of Elena, Stefan, and Damon is just what the show needs.  I think they should make a spinoff series for him one day.  I’d be on board.  Maybe I’ll work on writing that script.  Anyway, Klaus and Damon teaming up together to take out Connor just made me giddy. 

Quick set up here.  You’re a vampire.  You can’t be killed by any normal accidental death.  You can heal any broken bones, cuts, scrapes, bruises, whatever have you.  You’re riding a motorcycle.  Why the hell do you need to wear a helmet?  It’s obviously not to look cool, because both of you look like dipshits in yours.  I’m just wondering where that works itself into the equation.  Safety first, I guess.  Kids, never ride your bikes without your helmets.  Even if you’re indestructible.

Klaus and Damon work together to trap Connor inside a storage closet at the hospital when Connor is just trying to teach Jeremy how to be a killer.  Too bad he’s in on it, buddy.  YES…maybe now he’ll want to kill the dickface just because he set him up!  I like it.  Anyway, they give Connor a taste of his own medicine, pulling the same stunt he booby-trapped Damon with earlier in the episode, with arrows attached to bombs.  It’s the sentiment that counts here, Connor.  Enjoy death.  Or not, since we have to figure you’re a big part of this season.

Ruh-roh, Elena is seeing Damon’s face while she’s trying to get it on, vampire style (I feel like someone should come up with this position and add it to the kama sutra), with Stefan.  Then, her blood starts to crawl up her veins and Stefan realizes that it probably has something to do with Damon telling him that Connor had werewolf venom on him.  Best bet is that it was in the keg that Elena decided to perform her first keg stand on!  That would explain, also, why the same thing was happening to Rebecca. 

And, oh shit, she just killed Matt!  Until we find out it was just a dream.  That would have been a cool moment if it were followed up with her going on a killing spree in town, but oh well, I guess we’ll just have to live with her becoming new friends with April, the girl who hangs around after parties and cleans up OTHER PEOPLE’S HOUSES!!!  Yeah, that happened at high school parties!

“There’s more to you than meets the eye, isn’t there?”  Definitely so, since you find out he’s “one of the five.”  And, then he decides to detonate the bombs, hoping to kill Damon and Klaus while giving up himself for the cause.  Righteous?  Yes.  Stupid?  Even more so.  Don’t kill yourself.  Maybe wait until it becomes quite obvious that they are going to kill you before you decide to pull the plug, so to say.

Damon tells the Mayor that Connor is dead, but we all know he’s not.  And, we find out he isn’t, because Klaus saved his life.  Then, to Klaus’ surprise, Connor doesn’t even know his own heritage and what “one of the five” means, which means that Klaus is making it his priority to keep Connor safe/alive. 

This one of the five arc should be interesting.  Just as long as we don’t have to learn that Jeremy is also one of the five.  If so, I may have to give up on this show.

MVP of the Episode


My main man, Klaus.  He has his foot in the door of just about every storyline so far this season.  He’s attached to Tyler.  He’ll always be attached to Elena, which keeps him involved with Damon and Stefan.  And, now he’s involved with the vampire hunter.  I have a feeling we’re going to be seeing a lot of Klaus, and it’s going to start with this episode.  His antics with Hayley, and then with Damon put him above everyone else this episode.  He supplied the laughs, which is always key.

Line of the Night

“Isn’t that the deal? Whoever Elena doesn’t choose, leaves.” – Damon Salvatore

Yes, Damon, that was the deal you were probably hoping Stefan abided by if Elena chose you!  Whatever you feel, Damon, Mystic Falls needs you.  Stefan needs you.  And, Elena definitely needs you.  Besides, you’re going to teach her how to be a vampire now, so you have to stay!

tvonthedaily episode rating


Loved this episode.  Not quite enough for an A, only because I was let down by Matt not actually being killed, and Jeremy digging his foot deeper into this show.  Overall, though, this episode had everything I am always looking for in an episode of Vampire Diaries.  And, that’s saying something, because nobody even really died.  Maybe had Klaus or Damon (or Elena for that matter) done some killing, it would have got the bump to an A, but an A-minus is nothing to shrug at.  My parents still would have dropped a 10 spot on me for an A-minus back in the day!!

Nielsen Ratings

Ratings aren’t released until after 11am est, so check back after then for an update.

**Ratings are in, and they stayed just about the same at 2.737 Million viewers.  You don’t see that too often with shows, having exactly the same viewers week-to-week, but that is good news for the show.  Better than going down, right?




Episode 2 – “Memorial”

Air Date: October 18th, 2012

written by: Scott Ottersen

Starting off another episode with the Salavatore brothers in argument over Elena.  This has been a common theme across the entire series, and I don’t see it ever stopping, so I’ll just have to get used to it.  Stefan wants Elena to feed on animals, but Damon disagrees and tells “little brother” that she’s going to need human blood.  Stefan doesn’t want her to lose her humanity, knowing that if she killed another human, it would crush her, possibly causing her to flip the emotional switch in her brain onto permanent off.

She ends up drinking from a deer that Stefan kills, things get a bit sexual between the two of them, but Elena runs off to go puke out the blood she just drank before Stefan can even get his pants unzipped. 

Some new guy is searching the cabin where Pastor Young melted the bodies of the council and finds a letter inside the stove, in tact, written out to April.  For my liking, I’m willing to gamble that letter would have had a burn mark or two on it.  I don’t know, just thinking.  I’m also thinking that place wouldn’t have a roof, either.  Or walls.  The place fricken blew up, yet the door is still on the jamb?  I guess we’re going to have to wait to see what was in that letter, and why non-April is the one who finds it?

The Sheriff (who I’m guessing is back in charge – how quick they were to give her old job back to her) confronts Damon about whether or not he was the one who blew up the council inside that cabin.  Before he can go into too much detail about why he wasn’t the man who committed the crime, the new guy interrupts their conversation and steals the Sheriff away.  It seems as if this guy may be trouble.  I wonder who sent him and what it is he’s after.

Matt and Jeremy debate who is the worse actor, all while we find out that April is Pastor Young’s daughter, the very girl Elena used to babysit, and whom doesn’t have much feelings of longing for her dead father!  Bitch is kinda cold.  Me likey.

Elena is having trouble keeping the blood she is drinking in her belly, so she goes to Damon for help.  Damon offers her some Pad Thai, a Burrito, or a good old fashioned Hamburger, but then takes her in the back and lets her suck on his hand for a little while.  Before she does so, he tells her that “blood sharing” is personal and that he’s going to get a boner from it.  Schwing!

It seems as if Caroline is the only girl willing to show a little skin, so they give the 18 year old boys who watch this show a little peep show with more of Caroline’s ta-ta’s.  As the clasp is about to be snapped off, Connor Jordan (the new guy) shows up at the Mayor’s house and forces his way inside, shakes Tyler’s hands, burns him in the process, and immediately shoots him twice in the chest with what we have to guess are wooden bullets.  He gets away just in time, and heads over to Stefan’s house, where the bullets are extracted from inside him and the way they burn to the touch, Tyler is lucky to be a hybrid, otherwise he would have been dead.  The bullets have mysterious etchings on them that bewilder Stefan and the gang.

Since Stefan has no idea what they are, he takes them to Bonnie, who is holed up inside her house after the already-dead witches took out her black magic run on her already-dead grams.  Uh, Bonnie, the bitch was already dead for something like 3 years, something tells me you are already over it.  It’s not like you actually killed her this time around, she was ALREADY DEAD!!!!  Anyway, she tells Stefan that the bullets aren’t magic, instead they just have a bad ass Vampire Hunter on their hands.  Let’s hope this guy does better at his job than Alaric did, who completely let go of his Vampire Hunter ways to befriend the vamps and wolves of Mystic Falls.

Connor is at the bathroom door where Elena is inside puking her blood out (well, maybe not her blood) all over the walls, sink, floor, toilet, her dress, etc.  Is it that hard to hit the toilet?  Geez, you women give us such a hard time about pissing in the toilet, the least you could do is hit the toilet when you’re puking!  Damon runs into our new friend Connor, who tries to shake his hand, but Damon refuses (phew…lucky are we that Damon is a germaphobe, huh??).  Connor tells Damon that he’s in Environmental Cleanup and that he heard they had a pollution problem in the area.  My question is why didn’t he just rub his hand against Damon’s.  Who cares if Damon offered his hand to you or not, I’m guessing you could have forced him into showing his hand.  But, that would be too easy, I guess.

And, then he goes and stabs April.

After Elena cleans herself up (where did she leave the dress???), Damon takes her outside to suck on a bag of blood like it was a Capri Sun, but she can’t take it down.  Damon tells her she is going to need to take blood from a vein, and it almost seems as if they were about to kiss before those pesky bells started ringing.  Is it me, or am I the only person who probably wouldn’t be phased by bells going off if I’m going in for a kiss?  Somehow I don’t think a church bell going off would stop me, but then again, I’ve never been in the situation before, so what do I know! 

Stefan catches Damon with the blood and they have another of their legendary stare-downs.  They fight, again, about whether or not Elena should drink human blood, and Damon tells Stefan that Elena hasn’t been able to keep any blood in her system (something she hasn’t told Stefan) and also that Elena fed from Damon, which from the look on Stefan’s face is a lot like what it would be like if your wife told you she sucked another man’s bloodpumper.



Connor is up in the church skybox seats with his sniper rifle out in the open, which nobody happens to see, of course.  He stabbed April to set a trap for the vampires to smell her blood and reveal themselves to him so he could shoot them clear through the heart with a wooden bullet the size of my foot.  Damon wants to go kill him, but before he does, Matt offers up his blood to Elena.  And, after all the fighting Stefan put forth with Damon, he gave up on this one pretty quickly if I don’t say so.  She feeds from Matt, right in the view of Connor, and offers up a nice “Thank you” in return.  So courteous.  Hey, I just ate your neck and drank your blood, thanks.  We used to date, right?  This…isn’t…awkward at all.

Tyler takes the pulpit, most likely because he knows he’s going to get shot and that he won’t die from his wounds, saving the vampires in the room from their ending.  Damon takes off after him, catches up to him but ends up getting himself shot (seriously, aren’t these guys supposed to be stronger than 50 men put together???) and almost killed before Stefan half comes to his rescue.  For his troubles, he punches Damon in the face for “You know what.”

Elena casts her first memory spell on a human, telling April that she’s going to be fine and that she watched the Memorial from up top to get away from everyone and be alone.  It was her first triumph as a vampire, seeing as how she wanted to eat April just a few seconds ago.

Jeremy and Matt run into Connor at the bar, where Connor asks about Matt’s neck wound, knowing now that Elena is a vampire (or at least he should know).  And, then Jeremy sees tattoos on his arm that aren’t really there, weirding out even Connor.  Please, Connor, just kill both of these idiots. 

Instead of making my wishes come true, Connor heads home to read the letter Pastor Young left to his daughter, basically stating that it was no accident and that his death was a necessary beginning to a war coming to Mystic Falls.  He said there was a greater evil coming to town, and my guess is that evil may be Connor Jordan.

Stefan tells Elena that she basically cheated on him with his own brother (again), she can’t control her emotions and feels like she’s been crying for years on end, so Stefan gets everyone to meet at the high school so they can finish out the Memorial they didn’t get to earlier in the day.  He is doing this because he feels as if it’s what they need to do, because they never take time out to remember the ones they’ve lost.  It’s been several seasons of their friends and family being killed off and all we see is them going back to school, shooting pool, fighting evil families, but never taking a moment out to shed a tear over the fact that their own family have been dying around them!  So, it was a necessary timeout from the madness, that Damon wanted no part with.

Or so we thought.  Because the episode ends with Damon sharing his grief with Alaric, at his gravesite. He talks about how he didn’t get the girl and now he’s stuck babysitting a bunch of teenagers all because of Alaric.  And, how he owes him one for it.  Alaric sent us home with a “I miss you too, buddy.”  Those two were great to watch together, had true chemistry on the show, and I will miss their scenes together.  They always brought the laughter inside a show that sometimes seems like it takes itself too seriously.  I never liked Alaric all that much, but enjoyed his time spent with Damon.  So for that, I will miss you, buddy.

MVP of the Episode

Elena Gilbert.  She is growing into her vampirism, and so far I think she’s standing out.  Enough so that she is already a two-time MVP winner.  I am expecting to like her even more once she embraces the darkness of being a vampire, maybe even going on some killing sprees.  We will have to wait and see how she handles that, but I think great things are in store for this season, and Elena’s character.

Line of the Night

“Vampires eat people.” – Damon Salvatore

Why yes they do, Damon.  And I have a feeling a lot of vampires are going to be eating a lot of people this season.  Or, I just hope they do.

tvonthedaily episode rating


I truly enjoyed this episode.  I loved the new addition to the show in Connor Jordan.  I think he’s going to bring a whole new fresh attitude to the show that it may have been lacking in season’s past.  I can even say that Tyler didn’t annoy me all that much, so all in all it had to be a great episode then, right?  The Damon and Stefan feud is still ongoing, but that’s just how they interact with each other and it’s how we’ve grown to know them.  Those two will always end up on each other’s side.  So far, this season is off to a fantastic start.

Nielsen Ratings

Ratings aren’t released until after 11am est, so check back after then for an update.

**Ratings are in, and they dipped a little, down to 2.74 Million (the 18-49 share dipped, as well).  That is to be expected, though, since the season premieres are typically the highest rated episodes of the season.  I’m sure the numbers will increase once the DVD ratings are in.  No matter what, this show isn’t going anywhere, because 2.74 Million viewers for a CW show is incredible.






Episode 1 – “Growing Pains”

Air Date: October 11th, 2012

written by: Scott Ottersen

Let me first explain, that in no way am I Team Damon just because of the picture above.  I’m actually Team Klaus, but that’s for another day, another very long story.  As for right now, all we need to know is that IT’S BACK!!!  The Vampire Diaries is back!  If you ever met me, in real life, you’d probably never assume that I’d be a fan of a television show like this, but as soon as I heard about the premise of this show, I knew I’d be a fan, as long as the cast handled their roles well enough.  And, I was pleased with it from the very start!  Some corniness to the show, but that’s to be expected with a show revolving around vampires, werewolves, and witches.  I am so glad to have The Vampire Diaries back in my life!  Let’s get to it.

We left off last season with Elena dying with vampire blood in her system.  How was she going to handle becoming a vampire?  What would it bring to Mystic Falls?  I can’t wait to find out.

Elena wakes up with Stefan at her side.  The screen shifts wider to show that Damon is also in the room with them, and they tell Elena that Matt is alive, but she died and she died with vampire blood in her system, which means she is going to transition into a vampire by days end.  But, Stefan gives her some hope by telling her that Bonnie says she’s stronger than ever (eh, heard this jingle before – not buying the product) and she can do something to bring her back to life, and not end up as a vampire.

The Salvatore brothers seem to be starting season 4 in a bit of a feud.  But, what else is new?  Apparently, Damon is pissed off that Stefan saved Matt instead of Elena, even though it was what Elena wanted Stefan to do.  But, hey, as Damon points out, on the brighter side of things, the world still has another Quarterback!

Oh God, Jeremy’s back.  I can’t tell you how thrilled I was when I learned they were shipping his character off to Scotland, or wherever the hell he went.  Seriously, is there a worse actor in this world than this douche?  I don’t know what it is, but he (and his character) annoy the shit out of me, and I just hope they kill his ass off FOR GOOD this season!  Jesus, his storylines are so wimpy compared to the heaviness of the other storylines, and I’ve just grown tired of them.  No more talking to ghosts, no more dying and coming back to life and being able to talk to dead people.  Don’t give this guy any more powers or limelight.  Let him have a line or two here and there, and that will be fine.  We don’t care that you want your sister, not another one of them running around.

Bonnie meets up with Klaus, who is now given to us in the form of Tyler (not awkward at all), but apparently Klaus is not happy with Tyler’s body and wants his own back.  I guess he has a bigger penis or something and doesn’t like looking down when he pees in Tyler’s body.  Bonnie cuts him a deal that she knows a way to bring Elena back from the dead, which will give him back his endless supply of blood he needs to breed his hybrid family.

And, we’re introduced to the new character of the season.  Pastor Young was appointed by the Council to restore security in Mystic Falls, and he starts off with taking over the hospital, telling Dr. Fells to find a new job, and closing down the blood bank.  Alaric spilled the vampire beans about who and what was going on in the town, so now it’s time for a new regime to step up and keep the town, and its people, safe.  I think I’m going to like this new edition to The Vampire Diaries family.  I never read the books (I probably should, though), so I don’t know if his character is from the books or not, but I’m thoroughly interested in seeing his character arc play out.  I’m sure we all know how it’s going to end, with him being unsuccessful in his mission, but it sure should be entertaining to watch.  Along with taking over the hospital, he has the Mayor arrested, and replaces the Sheriff with his own crew of deputies.  Oh, and he kidnaps Caroline.  Not bad for your first day on the job, sir.

Elena VMS’s (get it!!), runs off from Stefan up to her room so Stefan can clean up the one sandwich and plate that is in the spotless kitchen, and suddenly remembers Damon telling her that he loves her.  And, also that Stefan deserves her and not him.  Damn right, Damon.  You don’t go and steal your brother’s girlfriend and then just live happily ever after with the both of them nearby.  That’s just strange.  And kinda disgusting.

Damon attacks Rebekah, no doubtably to stake revenge on her for killing Elena, but she fends off his attack, but definitely not the two bullets to the back and the stake through her heart that was shot into her from outside the house.  That is one hell of a shot for the new deputies.  I’m guessing they’re going to be a crew to be reckoned with.  The Salvatore brothers might have a fight on their hands this season.  I think they’re going to need Klaus to stick around, because I can’t see them winning this battle on their own, with Raggedy Ann (Caroline) at their side as next baddest ass vampire they know!  Not only is Rebekah captured, but so is Stefan.  Uh oh!

Pastor Young, not knowing that Elena is transitioning into a vampire, tells her his plan to exterminate the entire vampire race by luring Damon to him with Stefan in his custody, as well as Rebekah’s siblings coming to her aide, then he’ll use the white oak stake that Elena is somehow going to give him, and kill them all.  Sounds easy enough.  Perhaps this means I’ll be getting my Elijah fix this season.  If Klaus can’t be around, I’d settle for Elijah, who was at one point my favorite character on the show.

Klaus is loving him some “Love,” when Caroline realizes that it’s not Tyler she’s about to bang in the woods while someone is hunting them down, but instead Klaus, who is more than happy to have seen her in her bra.  He should have held off for another minute and she would have been down to nothing!  I guess he doesn’t have too much of the hots for her.  Or, maybe he was still waiting to have his own penis back and didn’t want to waste his shot on her with Tyler’s wanker.

Ugh, Bonnie’s chanting always just sounds like miserable mumbling.  One thing I will say about Bonnie is that I am more attracted to her outside of The Vampire Diaries than I am on the show.  I was in shock one day when I turned on MTV and saw some music video and was like, “Wait, I know that girl.  What the hell is Bonnie the witch doing in a music video, dancing in some weird outfit, singing some weird song?”  Apparently, Kat Graham is a diva.  She looks good doing it, too.  But, still, the chanting on the show needs to be worked on somewhat.  She tells Jeremy that she’s going to kill herself in order to  bring back Elena, but since Elena is not actually dead yet, she’ll be able to bring her back from the other side as well as bring herself back.  Cool party trick. 

Elena wakes up in a cage, inside a barn, with vervane air being pumped throughout, keeping Stefan and Rebekah at bay.  Bonnie does her mumbling again, dies right into Elena’s cage (again, cool party trick), decides to take her time picking up Elena and guiding her back to life (I mean, seriously, your best friend is dead and you have the chance to bring her back and you grab her arms and dance a slow dance with her??), and is interrupted by Whitley from A Different World, who tells her to stop doing what she’s doing because it’s too dark for her.  A couple more feet and she would have been done, but by all means just stop!

Come on, Klaus, you’re 500 years old or so, I think you’d know that your heart is in the MIDDLE OF YOUR CHEST, not off to the side like where you put your hand for the pledge of allegiance!  Read a book.

Before she dies, Elena decides to tell Stefan why she was on that bridge.  And, it was because she was coming back to him.  She had to choose and she chose Stefan.  She loved him and wanted it to be him.  You had me at hello, too, Elena.  A girl that looks like you wouldn’t even need to say hello and she’d have me!  A girl just like my wife!!

Anyone care that Whitley dies?  Wasn’t the bitch already dead way back in season 1?  For all of you scratching your head at who the hell Whitley is, it’s Bonnie’s grams.  Whitley was the name of her most known character she played back in the 90s.

Rebekah decides to play nice after hearing the love birds say their goodbyes to each other, and she lures the deputy near her cage so she can scare him backwards so Stefan can smash his skull up against the bars of the cage.  And, just like that, Elena has her human blood she can feed on, and then transition into a vampire.  And, while she’s at it, she might as well save Matt from Damon, who was most definitely about to kill him for no other reason than sheer enjoyment.

After she saves Matt, like always, they walk around and talk like nothing just happened, and Elena decides to tell Damon that she remembers everything.  She remembers meeting Damon first and him being kind to her, and also that he told her that he loved her.  But, she also tells him that he was the one who told her he had to make a choice, and so he has to live with the choice she made (which was the right choice – I can’t imagine how awkward this show would have become had she chosen Damon). 

Rebekah reunites with Klaus, and is all pissed that he saved Caroline instead of her, so in repayment, she ruins the last of Elena’s blood (I’m guessing that’s what he had) he had stored, he tells her she means nothing to him anymore, snaps her neck, and then just walks on out.

Stefan and Elena share a touching moment on the rooftop, where Stefan gives Elena her daylight ring, they tell each other not to worry about an ENTIRE TOWN of people wanting them dead, and that they’ll get through this just like they get through everything else.  I sure can’t wait to see how it is you get yourselves out of this jam.

And, we end with a head scratcher.  Pastor Young blows up himself, and all of his disciples, telling them it is a way for them to pass through the gates and reunite in eternity. 

“We are the beginning.”

The beginning of what, exactly?  That is the question.  And, I can’t wait to hear the answer.  Or, well see the answer, I guess.  He said he was chosen to lead a movement, and I’m guessing somehow he has to be undead or something like that in order to follow it through.  Perhaps a new supernatural beast is coming to Mystic Falls.  Ghosts now?  I don’t know.  Maybe he’s God.

MVP of the Episode

Elena Gilbert.  Has to be, right?  She turned into a vampire and forever changed the future of The Vampire Diaries.  It’s like the chick in Twilight becoming a vampire…only better, because Twilight SUCKED!!!  I don’t quite yet know how I feel about her becoming a vampire.  I remember my biggest issue with the show a few seasons ago was that everyone seemed to have a power and nobody was ever just human, so on that wavelength, I’m annoyed, but still I think this was the right path for the show to go.  She had to become a vampire at some point.  Why not at the beginning of season 4?  Besides, they still have Bonnie around, who can mumble her way into bringing Elena back at some point.

Line of the Night

“At least I was…” – Elena Gilbert

At the very beginning, before the show even began and she won the night!  There were a few zingers in the episode I wanted to pick, but this one just stuck with me the entire episode.  She’s no longer human, so this had to be the right choice.

tvonthedaily episode rating


I don’t think I was a fan of this opening episode.  For starters, they need to fire the editing staff.  Quit with all the jumping around, and coming right back to where you jumped from 3 seconds ago.  It was discombobulating.  I’m bringing out the big guns to describe how I felt, so you know it’s bad!  I think they could have done so much more with this episode.  The ending almost earned it a B+, but I just couldn’t sway what I felt the entire episode.  Something stank and the Pastor couldn’t rid the smell.

Nielsen Ratings

The overnight ratings aren’t posted until after 11am est, so check back after then for the numbers.  I’m expecting them to be good, though.

**Ratings are in, and the show managed a respectable 3.48 Million viewers, which is a little more than their usual numbers from last season.  The CW shows are never going to win the night (I still don’t get why, since Vampire Diaries is better than 30 Rock, Last Resort, and even X Factor.  But, people just don’t want to watch the old WB!  Oh well, they still scored a 5 Share for 18-49, which outdid 30 Rock and Last Resort, but lost to X Factor (8 – 8.25 Million) and Big Bang Theory (13 – 13.77 Million).

4 thoughts on “The Vampire Diaries

    • Thanks, Carri! I’m excited to have this show back. It’s one of my favorites on tv right now (well, non-cable shows, at least). Thanks for following me over from RealitySteve. Make sure to tell all your friends and family to come read up on all their favorite tv shows, as well!!

  1. Scott, you crack me up! I love reading your thoughts on these shows, and can’t wait to read what you think of this weeks episode.

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